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Policy and regulation

The speed of technological innovations has consistently outpaced the development of policies, regulations and legislation. Effective digital governance requires that policy legislative and regulatory measures that are instituted must be consistent within the prevailing environment. This programme offers Members specialised professional evidence-based training focused on building policy, legal and regulatory skills that are essential for the establishment of a robust digital governance framework. Such trainings may include, for example:

  • Policies, legislation and regulation for supporting digital transformation.

  • Developing frameworks to implement digital management, compliance, and data protection programs, policies and regulations.

  • Legal drafting to support digital transformation.

  • Model telecom and technology laws with cybersecurity provisions.

  • Intellectual property protections, enforcement mechanisms.

  • Cybercrime.

  • Advanced legislative drafting.


For over 30 years, the CTO has been involved in building regulatory capacity. We have carried out ICT status assessments, delivered benchmarking, developed roadmaps and strategies for developing National ICT sectors Examples of our past projects include:

  • Unbundling of incumbent service providers

  • Development of National ICT Policy and Implementation plans

  • Development of National E-Government/M-Government Strategies

  • Development of policy and regulation to promote Business Process Outsourcing

  • Harmonisation of Regional and Cross-border ICT Policies and Regulation

  • Drafting Interconnection and Tariff regulations

  • Promoting the use of ICTs for Disaster Emergency Response

Policy and Regulatory environment resources

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