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Financial Report


The CTO has a long tradition of providing cost-effective training for its members.


We are committed to building the human capacity of the Commonwealth by raising awareness and providing training on all aspects of information and communication technologies (ICT). In keeping with this commitment, the CTO provides its Capacity Building for Development Impact (CBDI), an innovative training service that is available to all CTO Members.


The new CBDI programme is designed to support members with all aspects of their digital transformation plans by cultivating a trained, skilled workforce, able to develop, plan, implement and maintain ICT solutions that have a development impact. The CBDI has adopted a new approach to capacity-building —one that makes greater use of technology for training delivery and customises its programmes to have a measurable development impact. In addition, the CBDI is designed to help members achieve their organisational goals and assist in accelerating their digital transformation activities.

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Capacity Building for Development Impact Brochure

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CBDI course catalogue 2024

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Our members

Read more about our members and how the CTO works closely with them through their Digital Transformation journeys

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